
Selling well, here are 7 ways to sell online for beginners!

Admin BFI
18 August 2022
Selling well, here are 7 ways to sell online for beginners!

Selling online can be said to be easy and difficult. Because, even though it looks easy to start, in fact, there are various factors that need to be considered so that the existing business can run well and be able to compete out there.

Therefore, it is important for us to know how to sell online effectively. Especially if you are a beginner or it is the first time you want to be in this business.

So, what are the ways to sell online that we should consider? Let's explore more in the following article.


1. 7 Ways to Sell Online

Here are 7 ways to sell online for beginners that you can apply.

1.1 Determine the Brand Name and Product to be Sold

Selling online can be started from anywhere. There are no product limits as long as the product does not violate the rules or endanger safety.

Even so, it's a good idea to focus on one product category. This will make it easier for you to build a brand image and earn profits faster.

Choose products that are in great demand and become the primary needs of many people. For example, food or household needs. Avoid selling products that are only trending for a moment.

For choosing a brand name, you can choose a simple name that is easy to remember. You can also embed interesting product descriptions using persuasive copywriting or promotional sentences.

Among other things, using natural language and tone, also tell how your product can help and be a solution to customer problems.

1.2 Determine Unique Selling Point

The second way of selling online is the unique selling point. Unique selling points are the densest characteristics of your product. This unique selling point or USP is deliberately made so that the products sold are more attractive than competitors.

It's different with product advantages, at unique selling points usually only one thing is highlighted and this is what makes the difference between your business and others.

From this USP, later you will be able to target more specific target consumers so that it is easy to market the product.

To understand what a USP is, let's look at the following unique selling point example.

  • Starbucks: Wide selection of premium quality coffee drinks

  • Domino's Pizza: Free pizza if it doesn't arrive in 30 minutes

  • FedEx: Guaranteed Overnight Packages

  • IKEA: making everyday life better

How to Determine Unique Selling Points

Reporting from, here are some ways you can do to determine a unique selling point.

1. Put Yourself in the Customer's Position

2. Find Out Consumers' Motivation To Buy

3. Make a Comparison with Competitors' Products

Comparing competing products in the field. By comparing we can know what are the advantages and disadvantages of our products.

1.3 Implementing a Content Marketing Strategy

Content marketing is a marketing strategy that focuses on the production and publication of content. The content created is not just ordinary content, but content that can attract the attention of many people and become your customers. In short, this content is relevant to the target market.

For example, you create content that contains information about products and is associated with problems that exist in society. In short, this content provides solutions to current problems. People who see this will certainly find it very helpful and start to be interested in buying the products you sell.

The existence of content marketing is very good for the sustainability of your business in the long term. Especially if you are able to build interaction and closeness with the audience.

Cara Jualan Online

Image Source: Freepik/tirachardz

1.4 Selling on eCommerce/Marketplace

This way of selling online cannot be underestimated. Because people today tend to prefer shopping in the marketplace because of the many conveniences offered. Starting from a variety of choices, cheaper prices, and free shipping or delivery.

Tips for selling on eCommerce/Marketplace

1. Sell at a competitive price

It is undeniable that the number of traders in e-commerce is very large. For each category, you can find dozens or even dozens of sellers offering similar items.

Therefore, it is important for you to set the right strategy so that your product becomes the choice of many people. One way is to lower the price of the product a little cheaper. Such as Rp500 - Rp1000 from the price offered by competitors.

2. Choose a trusted distributor with competitive prices

Just like opening a sales booth in a shop or overhang, selling online in a marketplace is subject to application or website fees, which are called admin fees. Admin fees are deducted from each product that is successfully sold.

So that the profits you get are not cut much due to admin fees, you can work around this by choosing a cheaper and more reliable product distributor.

3. Embed videos, photos, and testimonials from customers

It's not just the product description that needs to be polished well, the image display listed on each product must also be as good. So, make sure you embed images with good quality and clarity. Also, embed good reviews from buyers so that anyone who sees it will be more interested in buying your product.

4. Good service

Good service is one of the most crucial points. This is because friendly service and neat product packaging are factors that support customers to feel satisfied with the products purchased.

5. Participate in the monthly campaign

Each marketplace has a specific campaign or celebration to attract more consumers. You can use this momentum to get a lot of money and new customers.

For example, making discount promos, flash sales on beautiful dates like 11.11, or payday events on the 25th of each month.

1.5 Implementing a Word of Mouth Marketing Strategy

Promotion by word of mouth or word of mouth is still the mainstay of marketing strategy until now. This is because we tend to believe in buying products suggested by the closest people or public figures we like. If you have more budget, you can try Endorse to implement this strategy.

1.6 Actively Selling on Social Media

The widespread use of social media as a part of the lifestyle of many people can be used to find opportunities for sustenance. One way is to market your product along with a product purchase link from the marketplace.

Don't forget to build good communication between your sales account and the audience. The closer the communication network, the more likely the product you offer sells quickly.

The list of social media that you can choose to sell products is as follows.

List of Social Media with the Most Users 2022:

1. Tiktok

2. Instagram

3. TikTok

4. Facebook

1.7 Take advantage of the Ads to feature on Social Media

Still related to the previous one, advertising on social media has a significant effect on increasing your product sales. The reason is, that the ads installed on social media can be adjusted according to the needs and targets to be achieved. For example Google Ads, Facebook Ads, and so on.

The ads that you install will later be displayed according to market segmentation and more advanced audience targeting options. For example interest targeting, connection/behavior targeting, custom targeting, and lookalike targeting.

2Best Selling Online Selling Idea in 2022

2.1 Gadget

Indonesia is one of the biggest gadget markets. Every year there are always the latest and best-selling gadget products sold in the market. If you are someone who is quite up to date with the latest gadget developments, you can choose this category as your online selling idea.

2.2 Food

Food is one of the primary needs of every human being. No wonder this category is one of the best-selling ideas in 2022.

2.3 Beauty product

Beauty trends are currently on the rise in Indonesia. A variety of beauty products ranging from cosmetics to facial and body care release the latest products almost every month. Many people flock to buy it to support a better appearance.

2.4 Fashion

The fashion industry is one of the fastest-moving industries. Every month there is always a new clothing model that comes out. You can choose the number of enthusiasts for clothing as a business idea that is worth trying. Especially if you belong to people with a good sense of dress.

2.5 Electronic

Electronic goods are never absent from the list of best-selling products every year. This is due to the development of the era, the more sophisticated the existing technology at a price that is certainly much more affordable than the previous version. These items are also easier to buy thanks to the marketplace.

2.6 Herbal Products

Awareness of the importance of a healthy lifestyle makes many people look for alternative treatments that are more natural, namely by consuming herbal products. This awareness certainly increases the demand for herbal products out there.

3. Alternative Business Capital

Interested in selling online but hindered by capital? Don't worry, you can still make that dream come true with a fast loan at BFI Finance!

Click the link below for more information.

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Submission Information Car BPKB Guarantee Loan

Submission Information Home Certificate Guarantee Loan


Not only that, but you also have the opportunity to get other benefits with the #PastiMerdeka promo where debtors have the opportunity to get cashback up to Rp. 77 Million Rupiah! You can click on the following link for more information!

Sobat BFI, Thus the discussion about how to sell online. Hopefully, you can apply it easily and get a lot of benefits.

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