Informasi Umum

Paklaring Is: Definition, Functions, Terms and How to Make It

Admin BFI
19 January 2023
Paklaring Is: Definition, Functions, Terms and How to Make It

Sobat BFI, did you know that the paklaring is an important document that you should have? The reason is, in the document, there is important information about the experience of employees from the beginning to the end of work.

Paklaring letters are usually given to employees who resign, terminate employment (PHK), or retire. This letter is considered important to have because it has a function that is quite crucial.

For those of you who don't know what paklaring is, let's discuss it in full in the following description.


What is Paklaring?

Paklaring is a letter stating that someone has worked in a company or agency. The letter states the position and terms of work.

This is in accordance with the definition of paklaring which is defined by the National Legal Development Agency which states that a paklaring is a statement stating that a person has worked for a company in a certain position and for a certain period of time.

Paklaring letter made by the company's HRD. In other words, this letter was not made haphazardly, it must be based on the knowledge of the supervisor and the relevant HRD.

In simple terms, a letter of acceptance can be interpreted as one of the official proofs that confirm if someone has previously worked in a company.

Generally, this document is used as a condition for applying for work, and continuing studies through scholarships, up to the requirements for applying for loans to finance companies and non-bank financial institutions.

Differences between Paklaring and Work Certificates and Work Recommendation Letters

Even though it seems to have the same meaning, a paklaring letter is a letter that is different from a work certificate or work recommendation letter.

You can easily recognize this from the purpose of its manufacture. Where a Paklaring letter is deliberately made with the intention of stating if someone has worked in a company.

While a work certificate is a letter stating if an employee is still actively working in a company and his name is actually listed in the company.

As stated in article 1602y of the Civil Code (KUHPerdata) where every company is required to provide a statement regarding the work of employees, whether asked directly or indirectly.

The last is the difference between a work recommendation letter. This letter is made directly by superiors or certain officials at the request of employees. It contains information about the strengths and weaknesses of these employees. This letter is generally used to apply for work or apply for a scholarship program.

5 Functions of Claring

When hearing the word paklaring, generally people will conclude that the letter can be used to disburse BPJS Employment and as a requirement for applying for jobs. This is true. However, a letter of acceptance is an important document that can also be used for other important matters, as we will describe below.

1. Applying for Jobs at Other Companies

Many companies use a letter of acceptance as one of the conditions for applying for a job. Especially for those who have positions as supervisors or above. Therefore, when you plan to submit a resignation, be sure to submit a letter of acceptance, OK! Because this letter is usually used to assess the quality and capacity of prospective workers.

2. Manage Disbursement of Employment BPJS Funds

As mentioned earlier, the Paklaring letter is an important document that is used to disburse JHT funds or the Old Age Guarantee, you need to attach the Paklaring letter starting from the photocopy that has been legalized to showing the original letter. Without this document, the existing disbursement process will be threatened with delays.

3. Applying for a Loan

Paklaring is one of the requirements for applying for loans at several financial institutions. This is meant to be a guarantor if the prospective debtor has a steady income and avoids bad credit. This document is usually requested together with the salary slip.

4. Applying for a Credit Card

It's the same as applying for a loan, when making a credit card you will also be asked for a certificate of employment or a declaration as a supporting document to convince the bank that you are able to pay your monthly bills.

5. Apply for Scholarships

Who would have thought that applying for a scholarship required clarification? It turns out that this one document is needed to apply for a professional scholarship. For example, through foreign and domestic government scholarship programs and leading private parties. In addition, you will also be asked for a letter of reference from your employer.

Requirements for Making Paklaring

You can get a letter of acceptance if you meet the following requirements.

1. Minimum 1 Year Work

Paklaring can only be given if the employee concerned has worked for 1 year. Employees with less than 1 year of service are considered not to meet this criterion. This is also in line with ethics in a career.

2. Resigned Kindly

Aside from being valid proof that you have worked for a company, a letter of acceptance can serve as a letter of recommendation or reference from an old company. Therefore, make sure you resign properly.

3. Fulfill All Obligations Before Resigning

A paklaring letter is an official document that is not issued carelessly, you need to fulfill all the requirements and obligations that exist before you can get it. Therefore, make sure to complete what is your obligation, starting from doing the job to sending the resignation letter, only after that you can ask for this document.

How to Ask HRD for Paklaring

Getting a letter of acceptance is actually quite easy. You can get it by asking directly to HRD or by sending an email. If you want to request it via email, here's an example of an email submission format.




Subject: Permohonan Surat Paklaring Kerja




I, the undersigned below:




Place and date of birth:

Last Position:

I intend to submit a letter of acceptance from PT ____ (fill in the name of your company) in which I will use the letter for the benefit of _____ (fill in according to your purpose).

By receiving the letter of acceptance, I declare that I have fulfilled all my work and obligations at PT (the name of your company).

For your attention, I thank you.


Yours faithfully,

(name and signature)

How to Make a Paklaring

If you currently work as an HRD and don't know how to make a cover letter, here are some of the components that are required in it.

  • Company Letterhead

The existence of this section serves to show that the letter issued is official from the company where you work.

  • Company Name

Enter the full name and address of the company.

  • Letter Name

This section is listed at the top center of the letter.

  • Reference Number

Include the letter number as an archive to facilitate tracking of letters.

  • Content of letter

An official statement is if the employee has worked in a company in a certain position and for a certain period of time. The language used in this section can use standard or non-standard language. However, it would be nice if the Paklaring letter was written using standard language.

  • Closing

Filled with the purpose of making a letter of acceptance. This section is made as clear as possible, such as explaining the purpose of applying for a job, as a requirement for applying for a Masters's scholarship, and so on. After that, the existing letter is equipped with a wet signature and stamp from the superior.

Paklaring Example

Curious about the form of a Paklaring letter? The following are some examples of Paklaring letters that we took from trusted sources.

1. Examples of Paklaring Letters in Indonesian

paklaring adalah

paklaring adalah

paklaring adalah

2. Example of a Paklaring Letter in English (English Version)

paklaring adalah

paklaring adalah

Sobat BFI, that's the discussion regarding the letter of acceptance. The hope is that with this information you can better understand what a letter of acceptance is, its function, and how to make it.

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