Berita CSR

BFI Finance Executes Back Gerakan 1000 for Children with Disabilities

2021-08-05 00:00:00 4941

South Tangerang, August 5th, 2021 – PT BFI Finance Indonesia Tbk (BFI Finance) continuously gave positive contribution for enhancement of future generations by holding Gerakan 1000 initiative or Movement 1000 themed “The Movement 1000 of Books and School Stationeries”. Despite the COVID-19 pandemic, a ceremony for symbolic handover of the relief items could be held efficiently using Zoom application on August 5th.

In cooperation with online donation and fundraising website Benih Baik, BFI Finance has distributed around a thousand packages to a number of orphanages and schools for children with disabilities (SLB) in Jabodetabek areas. Packages containing books and school stationeries were received by many parties, including foundations such as Yayasan Carys Care (POTADS or Association of Parents of Children Living With Down Syndrome), Yayasan Pendidikan Luar Biasa Nusantara, Yayasan Balarenik, Panti Asuhan Desa Putera orphanage, Panti Asuhan Pondok Si Boncel orphanage, Betawi Peduli, Hands for Help (HFH), and YSBM (Yayasan Saluran Berkat Mandiri).

Gerakan 1000 also encouraged BFI Finance’s employees and general public to take part in the video campaign “1000 Likes = 1000 Books”. BFI Finance has successfully gathered more than 1,000 likes for a single content uploaded on Instagram account @bfifinance. Bravo!


Gerakan 1000 Buku dan Alat Tulis BFI Finance
An online ceremony through Zoom platform

Gerakan 1000 Buku dan Alat Tulis BFI Finance
Packages of books and school stationeries for Yayasan Hands for Help (HFH) foundation

Gerakan 1000 Buku dan Alat Tulis BFI Finance 2
Yayasan Pendidikan Luar Biasa Nusantara foundation receives Gerakan 1000 packages

Gerakan 1000 Likes 1000 Buku BFI Finance
Video campaign “1000 Likes = 1000 Books”
